6 deltoid exercise shoulder workout for mass - Bodybuilding fitness health tips

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Monday, 26 February 2018

6 deltoid exercise shoulder workout for mass

Here are some best deltoid exercises to make your shoulder strong and big,having big shoulders make your body look perfect and give you the perfect v-shape torso touch.

1.Standing Military Press
Consequently, the first move in this workout is the standing military press. This is because the front deltoids are best trained in a vertical position and opting for a barbell will allow for the greatest possible weight to be lifted, stimulating maximum stress on the muscle and therefore strength and size gains.Opt for a narrower than usual grip (only slightly wider than shoulder width) to protect your shoulder joint and opt for a range of motion which takes the bar all the way from the clavicle to locking out at the top. Perform four sets where you attempt to hit 8 reps, and when on your fourth set you can perform the full eight reps increase the weight by 5%.

2.Lateral Raises With Dumbbells
Secondly, to compensate for the front deltoid activation the session can shift focus, and the emphasis will be paid to the lagging muscle groups. The next exercise is the quarter rep lateral raise. Perform a standard side lateral raise in a 1/4 rep style, i.e., once you have raised a dumbbell to 90 degrees only partially lower it down before attempting to raise the weight back up to peak contraction.
After this added “second squeeze”, raise the weight back down to repeat the motion, that is one rep! Perform 6-8 reps for 3 sets, each rep you perform will have two peak contractions which will stimulate significant muscle tear.

3.Rope Face Pulls
Thirdly perform rope face pulls to engage the rear deltoids. Take an underhand grip and at the top of each rep attempt to bring the centre of the rope as close to your forehead as possible. In doing so you will be externally rotating the ends of the rope behind your body, thus engaging the rotator cuff which is vitally important for long-term shoulder health.
One variant to attempt is sitting on the floor to ensure you cannot cheat or use momentum to move the weight. Given the general underdevelopment of the rear delts, it is beneficial to go lighter for 10-12 reps before attempting to load up on this exercise, perform for three sets.

4.Cable Side Lateral Raise
Fourthly, we move back to the side deltoids to attempt the cable side lateral. Whilst it is principally the same move as the 1/4 side lateral suggested above, going lighter and squeezing against the constant tension facilitated by a cable allows the medial deltoids to be worked much harder through a greater range of motion rather than merely at peak torque which would happen at the 90 degrees point of a normal side lateral. 8-10 reps for 3 sets here is ample given we have already trained this muscle once before in the workout.

5.Cable Rear Delt Fly
Lastly, the final exercise to work the rear deltoids is the cable rear delt fly. Set the height of the handles at shoulder height to ensure the traps or lats cannot take over. From a crossed hands position pull the handles away and squeeze the rear delts for a moment and then lower the weights back down.
As the rear delts are often ignored, opt for low weight and focus on the squeeze at peak contraction, to synthesize a sound mind-muscle connection, before attempting to go up in weight. As the rear delts will already be fatigued from the face pulls, perform for 12-15 reps for three sets to vary the weight and volume requirements to allow for optimum growth.

6.Cuban Press
While this is not strictly a deltoid move, it is a critical component of excellent shoulder health. Given the number of rotator cuff injuries, isolating this muscle with very light weights at the end of the session will benefit you in the long run. Grab a light barbell and start by performing an upright row. When your upper arms are parallel to the floor rotate the barbell up and above your head. From this position press the barbell above your head before lowering down and repeating the motion.

Our Mass Building Shoulder Workout.
The session should look like this:

Military Press: 4 sets x of 8 reps
1/4 rep Side Laterals: 3 sets of 6-8 reps
Face Pulls: 3 sets of 10-12
Cable Side Lateral: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Cable Rear Delt Fly: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Cuban Press: 3 Sets of 20 reps

All sets should be taken to failure so if you can do more reps than the specified rep range, slowly increase the weight.

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