Bodybuilding fitness health tips

Bodybuilding fitness health tips

Bodybuilding health tips & lot more

Monday, 2 July 2018

7 Best food for eye health

July 02, 2018 0
7 Best food for eye health
7 Best food for eye health Eye is a god gift to every human being to see the beautiful world and his nature,creations so, it is our priority to keep eye health good. Maintaining a well-balanced,healthy diet is key to keeping your eyes healthy and may help reduce your risk for developing eye conditions. Serious eye conditions may be avoided if you include...

Friday, 2 March 2018

Best workout for triceps

March 02, 2018 0
Best workout for triceps
Top 5 Exercises for Triceps muscles All guys out there want a muscular shinny triceps because triceps is the muscle which gives your biceps a perfect touch which makes you biceps look big and,below is the five best workout for triceps 1 – Weighted Dips Muscle is improved by providing resistance. The primary source of resistance is by adding weight....

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Best lats exercises for mass

February 27, 2018 0
Best lats exercises for mass
Who don't wants a perfect back which makes you look broad,stronger and attractive in the group.every guys want a back like,here are 5 best exercises for bigger and muscular lats. 1.Bent over row the bent over row provided you utilize proper form with a weighted barbell. To start,stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Bend your knees slightly...

Best exercise for forearms mass

February 27, 2018 0
Best exercise for forearms mass
Every guys out there wants bigger and stronger forearms because forearms muscle help you in tight grip and gives you good heavy lifting,here below are 5 best exercises for forearms mass. ||Top 5 best exercises for bigger forearms|| 1.Barbell Wrist Curls Like many of the top 5 forearm exercises listed here, the barbell wrist curl is an extremely...

Monday, 26 February 2018

6 deltoid exercise shoulder workout for mass

February 26, 2018 0
6 deltoid exercise shoulder workout for mass
Here are some best deltoid exercises to make your shoulder strong and big,having big shoulders make your body look perfect and give you the perfect v-shape torso touch. 1.Standing Military Press Consequently, the first move in this workout is the standing military press. This is because the front deltoids are best trained in a vertical position and opting...

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Best exercises & tips for bigger chest

February 25, 2018 0
Best exercises & tips for bigger chest
||How to build bigger chest|| having pecs like a beast makes you look very manly so here we will going to discuss some tips and exercises for having bigger chest, here we go. If you train in a big commercial gym, you’ve probably noticed Monday is National Bench Day. Everyone seems to be training their chest. Tuesday is often National Bench Day part 2 with...

Best exercise for bigger biceps

February 25, 2018 0
Best exercise for bigger biceps
||Best exercise for bigger biceps|| guys always want bigger guns to look attractive,strong and muscular here below are some best biceps workout & benefits with details for gaining arm muscles. 1.incline biceps curl How to: Sit on an incline bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand at arms length. Use your biceps to curl the dumbbell until it reaches...
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